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Out-of-this-world experiences:

It's 2023 and the rise of AI marks a transformative time for our digital lives. Inside the Sensorium Galaxy Metaverse, the line that divides what is real and what is not gets even thinner. As we approach the public launch, our virtual beings are already travelling across the galaxy on the Starship — an intergalactic shuttle where you can connect with like-minded human users and intelligent avatars while enjoying top-class entertainment.

Photorealistic graphics powered by Unreal Engine 5 and advanced AI engines behind avatars and NPCs turn every interaction, performance, and space into an out-of-this-world experience. Live alternative life scenarios, build your digital persona and leave a legacy that lives forever in the digital realm. Do it all with state-of-the-art AI features.

Sensorium Galaxy is the first metaverse inhabited by millions of AI-driven virtual beings capable of communicating with users and assisting them as they dive into the depths of this immersive virtual environment.

Make your avatars stand out with bright outfits and add-ons, and create original personalities through the AI configurator. Ready to give your avatar full autonomy? Transfer the control to the neural network and make it digitally immortal. The future of the metaverse is now in your hands.

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