Witnessing -- Detachment from your life's contents

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Witnessing -- Detachment from your life's contents

ConsultingPhilosopher.com (716) 408 - 0343

“How’re you doing?” Let’s talk about your life, i.e., your life story, your autobiography, the content of your life, what Eckhart Tolle calls your “life situation,”

Goal: get you to attend to an important distinction

Imagine: we don’t know each other well and yet are going to be stuck somewhere together for quite a while. I’d like to get to know you and ask you about your life.

What kind of work do you do? Do you have a job or a business Do you like it?

How’d you get into it? I'd ask about your education as well as about your parents & schooling.

Relationships. Health. Vacations or fun. Emotional life.

Conflicts; obstacles – which did you over overcome and which overcame you.

Room analogy: describe your favorite room. (not original analogy). Your description will likely miss the room's essence, what it is essentially.

Stuck on contents of the room,

Stuck on contents of your life.

Are you happy? No abiding or lasting happiness IF stuck on contents alone.

Detachment Detaching Witnessing Observing

Buddha quotation

Not missing the essence or context of your life is critical for living well.

That kind of detachment is of the utmost value or importance.


(716) 408 - 0343

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