consulting philosopher video | coaching philosopher

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consulting philosopher video | coaching philosopher

Dr. Dennis E. Bradford

What, really, is a personal coach or consultant?

A hired friend. As I explain in my book LOVE AND RESPECT, friendship is the paradigmatic kind of love.

‘Love’ is a verb, not a noun.

To love is to act so as to benefit the beloved.

If you are considering hiring a life coach, the most important criterion is whether or not that person is able to love you.

Everything else is secondary.

If so, how is it possible to tell whether or not a prospective coach has the ability to love you well?

Here’s my recommendation. It’s based on the idea that loving is giving; it’s not taking.

The less selfish we are, the less egocentric we are, the less self-centered we are, the better able we are to love.

That’s true, isn’t it? The more you work on yourself to reduce your own egocentricity, the more you are able to love others.

Therefore, you are looking for a coach who has done as much ego-reduction work as possible.

The good news is that it’s possible to determine that both for yourself and for others!

I’m referring to the scale of consciousness levels developed by David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. A personal calibration is really a snapshot of one’s consciousness level.

Our levels can rise or fall, sometimes dramatically, over time.

Every entity at every moment radiates a specific frequency or a minute energy field. This is true for every thought, belief, emotion, or image as well as for every physical body.

Dr. Hawkins (and his students) developed and thoroughly tested a scale or map of the different levels. He was a sage as well as a philosopher and clinical psychiatrist who died in 2012.

At every moment, every human being has a calibration on a log energy scale between 1 and 1000.

The higher on the scale one calibrates, the better.

This does not mean that someone with a higher calibration is better or more valuable or worthy as a human being than someone with a lower calibration. All humans are equal in moral value; we all share a divine essence.

It does, though, mean that the lower your calibration the more you suffer and are dissatisfied.

To live better means to raise your personal calibration. The higher the personal calibration of your coach, the more he or she will be able to inspire and help you.

Sages or saints calibrate between 600 and 1000. Let’s set them aside since they are less than ½ of 1% of the human population. Even if you happen to know one, it’s very unlikely that that person would agree to become your personal coach.

To be human is to be split with the material/spiritual bifurcation.

Anyone with a personal calibration under 200 is someone who is living more like an animal than an angel. It’s someone who is suffering from a seriously disturbed egocentric personality. Unfortunately, about 80 to 85% of human beings are so suffering.

These people are incapable of loving others. They don’t even take responsibility for their own lives. They lack integrity. The more you associate with such people, the lower your odds of ever living well.

On the other hand, people who calibrate at 500 or higher have broken into the spiritual domain of love. In fact, anyone with a personal calibration of 540 or higher is capable of unconditional love.

So, here are my two recommendations for you if you hire a coach. First, do not hire anyone who calibrates below 200. Second, hire is a coach who calibrates in the 500’s (or higher).

What you’ll find is that most psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, life coaches, and philosophers calibrate in the 400’s. Settle for one of those only if you must.

So, how can you tell what someone else’s calibration is? Good question!

You may be able to learn how to do it yourself. I explain how in my free Emotional Empowerment video sequence.

[Click the link below this video.]

You may be able without help to use the ideas you’ll learn in that video series to raise your own calibration. You may also be able to learn how to determine the calibration of others so that, if you do hire a coach, you’ll not be throwing away your money.

In that video sequence, I provide you with different practices for both eliminating unwanted emotions such as shame, guilt, grief, fear, and anger as well as different practices for not having to endure them in the first place.

If you’d like to understand more about the so-called levels of conscious and how to calibrate them yourself, I recommend reading Dr. Hawkins’s books.

In case you might want to consider me as your coach, I provide you in that email sequence my own personal calibration. (No, I’m not a sage yet, but I’m on the threshold. I’m personally full of gratitude and have no complaints whatsoever.)

Whatever you do or don’t do, I wish you all the best.

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