Happier Employees are Better Employees | Reduce Employee Turnover

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Happier Employees are Better Employees | Reduce Employee Turnover

https://calendly.com/dennis-47/15 Dennis E. Bradford, Ph.D.

If you run a successful business, you’ve undoubtedly learned to run it by the numbers. You focus on the critical metrics and make decisions accordingly. That is not the way that most people make decisions. Instead, they make them emotionally. And then they rationalize them.

According to studies by Dr. David R. Hawkins, ninety-two percent of people make decisions emotionally. That explains a lot, doesn’t it?

Nobody ever taught them how to live well emotionally. They never learned how to dissolve powerful unwanted emotions such as grief, shame, guilt, anger, or fear. Instead, they go through life with such emotions percolating below the surface.

Dr. Bradford can help. Prolonged emotional distress is optional.

Happier employees are better employees. The modest cost of learning how to master emotions can be much less than the high cost of employee turnover.

Contact him right now. You’ll be glad that you did.


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