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7. How have you found the culture of the people of the Philippines?

1 year ago / 4 views /Society/ 16+

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Kind, humble, gentle, hardworking, great desire to learn. Often our candidates are asking, will I be trained? And what will I learn?

You know, so I think the type of characters that apply and come through our recruitment process are go getters. They've already risen above the, against significant financial odds mostly to attain qualifications, to have had successful jobs where they are shortlisted, you know, for our work.

So, they're go getters. Not particularly, significantly ambitious for status or wealth. Their personal satisfaction, I would say it's self efficacy. And then also, you know, they have often been given the responsibility to care for all their families, and support younger siblings to come through. So great responsibility.

Many of my staff, even at the age of 24 are the only ones earning in their families and their, their families have pulled together the extended family have pulled together to put them through university and that's the nature of the extended family in the Philippines, which is a beautiful thing.

You know, there's a lot to learn from that and to take from that.

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