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Talking leadership with Oren Leshetz

2 years ago / 26 views /Society/ 1+

Leadership is probably one of the most researched topics in business management, and for very good reason I might add.

There is also no shortage of insightful information out there to help improve your leadership capability, so the purpose of this section is to share my perspective and summarise some key ideas to consider as a small business owner or general manager.

Another important point to make is to try and not think of leadership as a finite skill to develop but more of an evolving personal development plan. I strongly believe that leadership is a craft that you need to practice on a regular basis and so it becomes part of your business routine.

Here are three things worth considering:


So the most important person to lead and manage first and foremost is yourself. Before you can earn the right to lead others, I believe you need to develop a minimum baseline of self-awareness to be qualified to do so. So this taps into the broader emotional intelligence compartment of understanding your strengths and weaknesses, what makes you tick and what core values you are not willing to compromise on.

The ability to manage your emotions, especially during times of stress, conflict or uncertainty is another fundamental imperative to improve self-leadership. Whilst this journey of self-discovery can often be confronting for many, it is a real opportunity to provide clarity and focus on achieving your business and life goals.

Seeking support from a trusted professional to help guide you through this process is a noble undertaking and there are many credible resources available to enhance self-efficacy. What I tend to find though, is that many people I know, miss the first step of starting with being kind to themselves just as they would behave toward someone else they care about.


Tip number 2: Influencing others

I really love the phrase, “reading the room”, as it kind of gives off this inferred meaning of having a superpower or like a sixth sense that can be deployed to solve or diffuse any problem. While I think there is some truth to that, calling it a superpower goes a bit too far. Much has been said on how to lead and influence others and so I have no intention of reinventing the wheel in this report. What I will say is that it doesn’t have to be overly complicated to apply some basic principles to engage with others and earn their trust. I suggest starting with showing an interest in those you manage by asking powerful questions and being present in the moment by actively listening. Build your empathy muscle and don’t be afraid to show a little vulnerability from time to time. Just be real for goodness sake!


Perhaps I have saved the best for last. Drawing from sporting days many moons ago, being mentally tough or having a “big match” temperament is something that has been drilled into me from a young age. The big buzzwords like resilience and perseverance cannot be overstated but we all know it is easier said than done, especially when in the midst of making those hard leadership decisions.

The more nuanced factors at play here, are those ingrained self-limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviours that hold us back and makes climbing the mountain feel impossible at times. Introducing you to these ideas in a short paragraph is as far as I can go in this forum, but try having a go at challenging your current thinking a little more and bring an element of curiosity into your worldview. See what happens.

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