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Oh, yeah, yeah, we're recruiting all the time, I've got two others that work with me on recruitment, I'm absolutely hands on in every element of my business.

But really in recruitment, I've got a particular culture that I worked very hard on. Designing and now maintaining, and so I get very hands on with ensuring that somebody is going to be anybody that comes into office would be able to bolster that and take a part in that.

And so the three of us meet and set the plan for the week of you know, where the priorities are in recruitment and what type of person, capabilities and traits and ambition that we're seeking.

And then we will do our advertising across a number of platforms and invite them I've already been through that process. So I would say one in 20, we can then endorse to clients. Our jobs are very different to jobs in the city and probably across the Philippines.

The jobs that come to us with our clients in law, finance, mortgage broking, accounting and migration. That's a different level of job than what's primarily being attained in Dumaguete in the desires in the Philippines, where it's primarily customer service and call centre work.

So you know, we get a lot of applications and to find the gold that are going to meet all the attributes that I've just just described, 1 in 20. We would endorse 1 in 20 out of that.

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